Thematic S.A.E.K. Egaleo (School of Advanced Vocational Training Egaleo), articipates in the European Program STREAM

STREAM will build a new Micro-credential Framework, operating under the working title “The European Professional Certificate for Practitioners in Inclusive, Digital and Green Work-Based Learning”. The profile, not existing today and needing a European breath to be effective and agile, will be designed in relation to best practice in designing appropriate Occupational Profiling in the STREAM modules, specified, and required competences for Knowledge, Skills and Competencies to a standard required for this accreditation.
The STREAM project aims to define a set of competences that VET trainers and company mentors should have in order to plan and manage quality WBL experiences. The following 3 clusters of competences will be the framework in which the partnership will take up the exact content to be delivered through an e-learning experience, recognized in a micro-credential and awarded with the relative Digital Competence badge:

  • INCLUSIVE COMPETENCIES: Inclusion, intercultural/cross cultural and intersectional competencies in international WBL mobilities
  • DIGITAL COMPETENCIES: Digital skills related to the digital transformation of the WBL and international mobilities, with reference to DigiComp
  • GREEN COMPETENCIES: Ensuring environmental sustainability in WBL and international mobilities, with reference to GreenComp

3 STREAM competence badges are to be issued: STREAM Inclusive WBL, STREAM digital WBL, STREAM green WBL.

The STREAM target groups are VET staff and companies involved in WBL/international mobilities. It is expected to impact significantly, through its MC framework, experimentation, validation, and certification, in the following areas:

  • VET more relevant and closer to the labour market through a tested and credible MC system
  • More effective and agile design, organization and evaluation of WBL (national and transnational between VET providers and companies
  • Europe’s VET community to better support WBL through international and intercultural collaboration

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